My Scout Camp

I went to scout camp on June 12-17.  We went to camp Tifi up next to Mt. Pleasant. The camp was up in the mountains so at certain places you had a very good view of everything. There were ten boys and a couple leaders. The boys that went with me are Dallin, Caleb, TJ, Jaeden, Charles, Liam, Clint, Sam, Braiden, and me.


Monday was our first day and we spent the first half of the day taking a tour of the camp.  Our camp assistant was Ben Barlow, but because we were all twelve (and slightly immature) we all called him Barley. In our tour we saw all the different camp sites, all the places the different merit badges took place, the pool, the trading post (this is where you bought stuff at), the mess hall, the zip lines, and basically everything there. Afterwards, we went and set up our tent at the camp site and decide who would sleep where.

After we had camp all set up we went to lunch at the mess hall. The main course was pizza but it was very pasty and gross. Thankfully there was much more to eat. It was basically a very large buffet. You could have as much cereal or salad as you wanted. There was cake and pie and lots of juices. They had chips, soups, and sandwiches. We all probably ate our weight in cereal and everything else that week. So meals were some of the best times we had at scout camp because we are boys.

Merit badges


After lunch we went to do our separate merit badges. I did survivor with Caleb and Liam on Monday and Tuesday. The survivor track contained the merit badges, Pioneering, Indian Lore, and Wilderness Survival. We only got the Wilderness Survival badge signed off because the Indian Lore cost thirty dollars and the Pioneering teachers didn’t like our knots. For the Wilderness Survivor badge  we had to do some fire starting. We had to start them with flint and steel, nine volt battery, and a magnifying glass. Then we had to show the leader our seventy-two hour kits. Then he signed of our badge.



On Tuesday we had to go down to the lower field to do a flag ceremony. After the flags were posted the commissioner introduced  us to the spirit stick. Every flag ceremony he would give the spirit stick to one troop who could take back to camp and put an item on it to decorate it. Then the next morning at our flag ceremony he would give the stick to someone else. The method our commissioner used to  chose which troop to give the stick to is having each of the troops do cheers. The troop that was the best got to take the stick for that day. We never won the cheering contest.

So after breakfast we all went to our merit badges where we finished them and got them signed off by the teacher. Then we had a time called troop time. During troop time your troop got to sit at camp and do whatever. So usually my troop either played mafia or wrestled in the dirt for fun. But every time we would sit around the smoldering fire and watch it.  Occasionally someone would spray it with bug spray, which was fairly dangerous, but thankfully no one started on fire. We also had a time called open program. In that time you could go to your merit badges to finish them, go to the shooting ranges, sit at camp, go to the trading post, and mostly everything you could do there.


Wednesday- Thursday


On Wednesday we all changed merit badges. Now almost all of our troop was doing the waterlogged track. It contained Swimming and Lifesaving. Everybody who did the track got both of the merit badges. Wednesday they taught us all the strokes. We had to do the sidestroke, freestyle, backstroke, elementary backstroke, and breath stroke.

There were seventy kids so they split us into three groups and taught us in rotations. One spot taught strokes, one taught lifesaving, and at the last one you had to dolphin dive nine feet, grab a brick, and bring it back up. After the merit badge time ended and free time started none of us went anywhere because were so worn out. So we all sat around the fire with a can of Axe and bug spray until dinner.

On Thursday we had to swim 550 yards doing all of the strokes. They had us do 150 before lunch and then the other 400 after. While you were swimming if you stopped for more than five seconds then you had to start over. After we finally finished the swimming and the lifeguards signed off our merit badges, my troop was dead. We went back to camp and sat and talked for a while until we got up the energy to go sit at the trading post.  Then dinner rolled around and we sat up there for a hour or two. We went back to camp started a fire and played games in the woods until about 10 o’clock. Then we had reflections of the day and went to bed.




On Friday we didn’t have any merit badges to do because it was the game day at camp. After lunch we went to the COPE and did the rope course and the zip lines. You had to be a certain height for the rope course so only three of us did it because the rest of the troop is short. But the short guys could still do the zip lines. On the rope course you were up forty-five feet and had to walk on small ropes to get to the other pole that you could stand on. You had two carabineers to catch you if you slipped but it was still really freaky. The whole thing was scary except the zip lines but that is what made it so much fun.

After the zip lines we all went to the shooting range for about two hours. We did the rifle and the archery. On the rifle we all did pretty good. Our leader hit the center on about every shot every time he shot. On archery we all shot we about the same. We couldn’t get the bullseye, but we did miss the target plenty.   But we all got a few on the target. After we finished that we went to Swords of Helaman.




We had to go the middle of the field and get these foam swords. We were split into teams and then we were told to kill each other. If someone’s sword hit you anywhere you were dead. That was a blast.  My troop was on the same team so we stayed in a pack and slowly moved around the field to kill once all the teams had spread out. We killed many men that day.

That all ended after a good hour and we all went to lunch. Then we were able to watch the boat race which was pretty cool. Then we did the Swords of Helaman when it started again. It was just like the last one. We went back up to the shooting range once that ended and had fun up there. Then we had dinner and went to the camp Campfire.





We all watched the skits that were preformed and laughed and talked. We had a skit but it didn’t win the competition to get into the Campfire. Then the staff members had a slideshow of pictures of everything that went on that week. After they finished the commissioners came and had the spirit sticks to show us. They talked about the enthusiasm that was with all the cheers and how much fun they had. Then they said they would give the spirit stick to the troop that had the best cheers and enthusiasm on everything throughout the week even though they had never won the cheer contest. After they finished building tension they announced that our troop got to keep the spirit stick. We had been sad during the week that we never won,  but this changed it all.


Leaving Camp



Then they sent us back to camp with a final goodbye. We sat around the fire and talked about all the fun things that had happened at camp. After about an hour of that we decided to go to our tents because we had to wake up early to take down camp. My tent stayed awake for another hour talking about all the people and all the fun things we did.

When we woke up the next morning we took down camp and left for home. On the drive we all slept until we got to PG. Now every time we see each other at church or for our Wednesday meetings you can always hear something that happened at camp come up in our conversations.  We all enjoyed it and we wish we never had to leave.



Oh What Changes In a Year!

Our youngest, JR, has reached a new milestone… 1 YEAR OLD! Kids change a lot in the course of a year.


JR’s first picture

JR this morning with his siblings. A great family!

Julie Gets a New Hobby!

I think Jax felt inspired last week.  He started a blog post for me and left me to it.  However, I am finding the task a little harder than I thought it would be.  But I find joy in the challenge and I feel that this will become and enjoyable hobby.

So what is this new devilry you ask?

Writing Book Reviews!!!


In a past life, I was a student.  And man did I enjoy that time.  I studied English/Literature at SUU and received my Bachelor’s Degree the December before I married Jax.  I had begun looking at options for getting my Master’s Degree but motherhood was always my first goal and I have not regretted one minute of my decision to become a mom instead of a professor.

I have used my love of reading and writing a bit throughout the years, but nothing serious.  My college professors turned me into a literary snob.  It took me a number of years to read fun literature again.  And truthfully, I still prefer a the classics 8 out of 10 times.

books, books, and more books

But as my children grew, I found I needed to read what they were reading so I could guide them towards the “better” books.  I read all of the Narnia books with them, and spent years reading Magic Treehouse books.  I tried Junie B. Jones and decided that she was not going to be allowed in my home; Ramona Quimby still holds my heart.  We read Fablehaven as a family.  And although I can’t stand Diary of A Wimpy Kid, I let the kids check them out and read them.

As you can imagine, my reading time is somewhat limited.  Eight munchkins take time to raise.  But I do manage to steal a few minutes a week to keep my mind agile.  So when I finished my book last week, Jax asked me to write a review.  “Sure!  Sounds fun!  How hard can it be?”

Very Hard

Did I mention I’m a literary snob?  Well those same professors taught me to write essays, NOT reviews.  Who cares how I feel?  Back up all statements with quotes, facts, expert opinions.  So after four or so drafts, Jax came to the rescue again.  He gave me his version of a review based on my essay and I went from there.

So, that’s the plan.  Read as much as I can and share my thoughts and feelings.  Wish me luck!!!

School is Out!

Not a moment too soon, school is out for the kids here in PG.

How It All Began!


I hope the kids don’t expect us to make each day as great as this one was.   Their Aunt Jenni had a huge hand in making the day great.  School ended at 10:30, and by 11:00 they were all soaking wet from water balloons, slip ‘n slide, kiddie pool, and eventually entire 5 gallon buckets of mayhem.   It was awesome.   The video didn’t do justice to that part of the day simply because my recording was so poor.

The pool was fun, but the wind made it a bit on the cool side.  Only Caitlin and Joshua were there with their cousin.   I got a LOT of video from that.  Some of it good, much of it boring.

This summer will offer lots of time at the pool, and lots of time working.  I’ll do what I can to give video whenever I have time or energy to do so.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!