Another Weight Loss Attempt

It is time again for another doomed-to-fail weight loss attempt. Why Do I Do This To Myself?

It’s Glaringly Obvious!

Every time I look in a mirror, try to walk up a flight of stairs, or attempt to pick something up off of the ground, it is obvious why I need to lose weight.  I’m a big, fat, slug of a man.  The pain sucks. My back can’t handle the stress the weight causes.  I’ve consistently gained 10lbs a year since getting injured.  I don’t expect I could make it to my 50’s if don’t reverse course.

If I want to see my kids grow up or get married than I have to make weight loss a priority.  If I would like to be able to remain mobile much longer than I must shed some pounds.  I’d really love to be able to stop using my cane.  If I continue to balloon then eventually my ankles, knees, or back will just give out and I’ll be in really bad shape.  It should be glaringly obvious that if I want any quality of life that changes need to happen.

But I Also Have No Idea!

While it IS glaringly obvious that I need to lose weight, I simultaneously have no idea why I do this to myself.  I have tried and failed so many time that I have no confidence that I can succeed.  Does another attempt make any sense if I have anticipate failure?  Yes, the results seem desirable and worth the effort; No, they don’t seem achievable.

But hey, would I really be “me” if I didn’t occasionally try insanely stupid things that seem doomed to failure from the beginning?  Maybe it’s time for a “Here, hold my beer Sprite” type of moment.

Weight Loss Efforts

I will not be doing anything drastic.  I will be trying to combine a small change in what I eat (my “diet”) with a small increase in exercise.

What I eat (diet)

I think the biggest effect could come from just a slight amount of self-control, namely, not eating or snacking after scriptures/bedtime for the kids.  This usually happens around 9pm at our house, but I routinely consume a significant number of calories after this time.   Eliminating this “after hours” eating could/should have the biggest impact on my weight loss.

I don’t usually have much of a breakfast, due mostly to morning back pain keeping me in bed until after normal breakfast hours.  I know breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” but this probably won’t change.  My morning consumption however has already been changed from cereal or bacon/eggs into a fruit/veggie juice.

Julie and I bought a Champion Juicer that we love.  We’ve had one for years (replaced after each fire).  Julie has been making fresh juices for us most mornings as breakfast.  The juicer tears apart the cells releasing the nutrients rich contents and eliminating the pulp/cell membrane.

A typical juice for two would include:

3 apples

1/10 of a pineapple

1/2 cup of mixed berries (blueberries, strawberry, raspberry, etc)

2 carrots

1/2 cucumber

1/2 stalk of celery

1 serving of some type of squash (zucchini, crook necked, etc)

small handful of spinach or kale (kale is bitter, use sparingly)

There are numerous books, websites, blogs, etc. that give you other recipes that are great.   This one is kind of Julie’s go-to recipe.  Just run it all through the juicer, stir, and enjoy.  You can get a full days nutrients from just one glass of fresh juice.  And it is easier than trying to eat that quantity of produce.


This one has always been tough.  The chronic pain makes everything hard.  Combined with seeing how much ability I’ve lost, it becomes is very depressing.   How do I overcome that?

I had always played a variety of sports that would have me running and jumping.  But my weight and back problems don’t let me do either of those.  AT ALL!   Thankfully it is summer now, which provides an easy way to neutralize my massive weight: swimming.

Being in water relieves the stress that the weight puts on my body.  It doesn’t hurt my leg joints nor my back.  The plus side of having this much blubber is it’s buoyancy!  The local Pleasant Grove pool is only open in summer, and so I am looking forward to taking advantage of our family pass.

The downside to swimming though is that in order to breath one must keep ones head out of the water.  I’ve found that the arch in my back that this requires creates a more-than-acceptable level of pain.  So in years past I haven’t swam either.

I’m ashamed to say it took me 9 years to solve the problem of breathing with my face underwater.

My magical breathe-under-water device.  A snorkel and mask!

I don’t know why this “new technology” eluded me for so long, but I’m happy to say that I can now swim, pain free.   Shoulder surgeries has left them weak which could be a problem with swimming too.  Happily, I’ve found that also using fins give me plenty of propulsion to keep me at the surface without engaging my arms (the blubber helps too!).

So I can avoid back pain, rest my arms/shoulders when tired, and can get some exercise!  I am thrilled and excited about this.


I’m leery that something will go wrong.   In the last few years something always seems to for me.  But I am more cautiously optimistic.  Not necessarily that I’ll lose weight, but that I can at least increase my activity level without a corresponding increase in pain.

If I can exercise, and if I can control what I eat, perhaps the weight loss will come.  If weight loss can occur, perhaps the pain will decrease (or disappear?).  And if I can be healthy and if the pain goes away, perhaps the depression/anxiety/PTSD will get better too.   That is far too many if‘s for me to be hopeful, but maybe feeling doomed to failure isn’t realistic either.

So wish me luck.  Words of encouragement are always welcome.  Prayers are appreciated.  Feel free to ask me how it is going.  I need the accountability.

And please, stop running away and screaming when I take my shirt off at the pool.  That could make a person feel bad you know 🙂

Bad Days

You’ve had bad days, right?

Yeah, Me Too!

I have them often, either because of the Mental Health issues or the never-ending chronic pain problems.  I won’t dare say that I have more bad days than most, but I have plenty of them.   So if you find yourself wondering why I haven’t posted anything in a few days, it is because I’ve strung a few less than stellar days together.

So please just keep us in your prayers. We’ll keep you abreast of what we’re doing just as soon as possible.

Thanks for everybody’s love and support.

Enjoy the picture of Andrew playing at the park a few weeks ago!


Andrew Jensen - Bad days don't affect him!Andrew was not having a bad day while he played on the monkey bars!



Sooo tired of the pain!!!

Pain sucks.   Chronic pain sucks too.   I’m so sick of the constant pain.

This Morning

This morning was one of those days were I woke up and just moaned in agony at the thought of getting up.   Eventually had to though, but could only crawl into the bathroom.  After crawling back to my room I was able to get into my shorts and T-shirt (easiest things to put on for me, which is why I am always wearing them).

I desperately needed some pain medication, but it was down stairs.  Couldn’t walk down them though.  Sat down and slowly slid down one stair at a time.  Got to the bottom with a headache that was just pounding.  I managed to make it outside onto the deck before the vomit came up, an all too common symptom of the pain for me.


It is indescribably hard to function like this.  My back hurts, my head is pounding, my stomach is nauseated because of it, my mood is terrible, and I feel more helpless than my baby.  Normal function isn’t going to happen today I’m afraid.

I’m only typing this up because I need to feel like I can do something today.  I’m typing about this topic because the pain is the only thing I can focus on.  I can only type about one sentence at a time and then I have my head in my hands trying to control the pounding inside.  It’s miserable!

I’m just so sick of needed help to dress.  I’m tired of needing Julie to help me shower because I can’t bend or twist to clean myself.  Using my cane to walk makes me feel about 20 years older than I am (still not even 40!).  I desperately want to be able to play with my kids like I used to do.  I dropped something the other day while standing and just stared at it for a few seconds deciding if it was worth the effort or risk to try to pick it up.  One flight of stairs shouldn’t leave me out of breath and my heart racing.  I’m tired of it all!

Chronic Pain and Mood

It is the constant pain that creates the deepest depression for me.   The thought that I’ll live the rest of my life like this is terrifying.  During these period of extreme suffering the most comforting thought I have is that perhaps it won’t be a long life.   It’s terrible to say, but that is the thought I have.

Thankfully these really painful periods do pass.  I do have times were the pain is minimal.   I can’t remember the last day when I had NO discomfort though.  It’s always there, lurking in the background.  It is strong enough to catch my attention and distract from activities.  It always has me on the edge of terror, worried that at any moment I could be hit with this severe, intense pain.

Honestly, would you want to live a long life like this?

Good Times

As I said, it isn’t all bad all the time.  There are good days.  Even on mediocre days I am sometimes able to do small things and moderate activities.  And if the pain isn’t too severe than there are some things I can do.  It always hurts to do them, sure, but I can’t do nothing all the time.  I need to at least try to live life.

Weight Gain

I know my back would hurt less if I lost weight.  I don’t know how to do that though.  The weight makes me hurt, the hurting makes me depressed, I eat when depressed and to distract from the pain, and I gain more weight because I eat too much.   Brutal cycle!

I recognize the stupidity in what I’m eating and getting into that cycle.  I’ve adamantly resolved to stop it so many times that even though I feel adamant about it now I have no confidence that I can/will follow through.  Having failed so many times I expect that to be the outcome of any weight loss attempts.  So why try again when failure seems inevitable?

I simultaneously have two visions of my future.  In one of them I’ve followed through with determination to lose weight and reduce the pain; I’m fit, able to function, and happy.   In the other I’ve given up entirely, continued to balloon, am a total invalid and unable to care for myself, and die far too young for someone who was as athletic and healthy as I was just a short few years ago.

I have no fancy conclusion or lessons to be learned… I just hate being in pain.   That is all!!

Carry on!