Running Log 5/22/17

Running Log 5/22/17

Location: PG High School football field/track

Task: 20/40’s for 10 minutes

Participants: Entire family

By “entire family” I don’t suggest that we all ran.  I don’t run at all.  JR is just barely walking (but doing a fabulous job of it), and Steven spent most of the time crying.

We were all present though.  It was good quality family time, even with the tears involved.


A 20/40 is just a longer variant of the 15/30 I’ve described before.  20 seconds of sprinting (100% full speed) followed by 40 seconds of walking.  Repeat for 10 minutes.  I switched to the 20/40 format for two reasons.  First, it is a longer sprint which the older kids are ready for, and; second, it is easier to keep track of when to start/stop because it ends on each minute.

This time we had a new whistle we got to use so I didn’t have to yell STOP and START over and over.   One whistle blast means run and 2 means stop.  Much better for me!


Not a particulartly good outing.  We went much later in the evening that normal and almost nobody was excited for it.  Having a bad attitude almost always leads to bad effort and bad results.

Josh only did about 1/2 of the laps before he was complaining his knee hurt, and so he walked the rest.   Caitlin at almost exactly the same time said she twisted her ankle (on the flat track??), but continued half-heartedly.  Kristie tried hard but was ornery about not being able to breath – this is her least favorite running activity.  Even Julie had issues.

JR cried as soon as Mom ran away from him.  Steven cried as soon as he realized he couldn’t keep up.  Andrew finished one lap and begged to be done.

We were going to do 15 minutes of this exercise, but when Nikki came up at 10 minutes and claimed she needed to pee I called it quits, gave 3 blasts to signal we were done, and headed for the car.  Julie had just started another lap and so she walked the whole thing to cool down.  Who walked with her?  The girl who supposedly needed to pee, “sooo bad!”.

I set up the GoPro, so I’ll edit the video if any of it is any good and post it at a later date.





Combat Bill Paying – Live Footage!!

I’ve been wanting to be able to add more content here that wasn’t just text. So I downloaded a free video editing software (Microsoft Movie Maker) and picked the first video I could find on my computer to see how it works.

The video was recorded by my IPhone 4S about 2 months ago.  I didn’t know ahead of time what I wanted to do with it, but after about 15 minutes of playing around this is what I ended up with. (Keep in mind I’ve never done this)


I know it is low quality, but I had fun just learning what the basic controls were for video editing.  Of course I didn’t use multiple videos or pics, didn’t edit sound at all (or add any), so I’m sure I can’t even say I learned “the basics”.    But it was interesting none the less.

If you’d like to give me some advice, I would love to hear it.  It can be about software to use, cameras to think about obtaining, sources of knowledge I should look up, or whatever.

Hope you enjoyed the clip!