Running Log 5/13/17

Running Log 5/13/17

Location: PG Rec Center Indoor Running track

Task: Run as far as you can for 12 minutes, and finish any lap that begins before time ends.

This is our standard Saturday run.  Keeping it consistent helps track if someone is getting better, getting worse, had a bad week, etc.


The huge accomplishment this week goes out to Nikki!  She did her best running ever and did one more lap than she has ever done before!!  Way to go sweetie!  You were awesome.

Caitlin also had her best ever.  She did the same number of laps as a few prior runs, but completed it today almost 30 seconds faster this time!  She is getting much better really quickly now that she has decided it is something she wants to be good at.   He success and growth have gone hand in hand with her terrific attitude.

Julie had her best day ever, but said afterward that it hurt more than ever too.  Not just in body ache, but her actual joints had some pain while running, so we’ll be babying her to make sure she doesn’t get injured in her quest for better health.   She was almost 30 seconds faster than her previous best time.   You rock babe!


Kristie and Charlee were both consistent.  Kristie was slightly better than normal, and Charlee slightly worse.  Those variations happen from week to week.

Josh was our big negative today.  He had his worst time and fewest laps since we began.   He had gone and helped his grandfather with some plumbing earlier in the day and spent a good bit of time hauling full 5 gallon buckets out of a crawl space.   His legs were sore and tired when we started, so we didn’t expect him to break any records.   He was still our fastest, just not by as much as normal.   He tried hard and gave his best though, so it was still a good run from him.