The Bow? or The Arrow?

For Halloween the kids were able to dress up at school.  Andrew was a knight.  Joshua went as some type of archer and took his bow with him, but no arrows.  The following philosophical discussion ensued when he got home.

Me: You were able to take your bow?

Josh: Yeah, I talked with the principal about it and got the okay.

Me: Good.

Me to Andrew: Did you take your shield?

Andrew: Yes, but not the sword.

Josh: Why not the sword, Andrew?

Julie: No weapons allowed Josh.

Me: Wait, then why could he take the bow?  Is the bow the weapon or the arrow?

Julie and Josh together: The arrow.

Julie:  The arrow gets shot so it’s the weapon/threat.  The bow just launches it.

Me: So he could have taken the gun, but no bullets?  Because the gun just launches them, right?

Julie: Um, sure.  Let’s just keep this theoretical though, okay?

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